Meaningful activities


We understand when someone is diagnosed with Dementia their prognition can change as can their intellectual and physical abilities. There is a tendency to not know what to do with a loved one with dementia. Often they’re left to watch television and with little or no engagement in activities that they once enjoyed.

What we do

We help you identify the things that are relevant to your loved one. We use an approach called Occupational Performance which allows us to help you adapt an activity to suit their level of ability. We look at what part of a whole activity can they do, then we help you structure the environment to suit their needs. We then show you how to grade the activity down to their ability. 

For example for someone that has cooked their whole we show you how to use this love of cooking to provide a framework for activities.  


You’ll feel more confident when it comes to creating meaningful activities knowing that your loved ones will be more engaged and happier.


Assessment of living spaces for functionality


Individual training for clients and carers

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Dynamic Group Seminars